By Christopher Campise (Rutgers Law Student) A microtransaction occurs when a customer, usually the owner of an internet capable app or game, makes a small purchase within the medium to unlock more content. Often, this business model is employed by developers in freemium contexts, where the initial download is free, but more extensive features and … Continue reading Microtransactions: Small Payments With Huge Consequences…
Category: Blog
PTAB and the Question of Tribal Immunity
By Brian Lewis (Rutgers Law Student) Most patent, trademark, and copyright law is exclusively governed by Federal law. Violations of these laws are addressed in Federal court. A party can raise a defense of sovereign immunity, a legal principle which grants immunity to sovereign entities unless the sovereign entity has waived immunity or by an … Continue reading PTAB and the Question of Tribal Immunity…
Cryptocurrency: Fostering Innovation, or Alienating It?
By Devorah Peretz (Rutgers Law Student) If you haven’t been living under a rock in the past year, you have definitely heard about Bitcoin; possibly more than you care to. Innovative technologies enable Bitcoins to be “mined”, when complex math problems are solved and added to Blockchain, a public ledger. Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, were … Continue reading Cryptocurrency: Fostering Innovation, or Alienating It?…
From Earth to Outer Space: The Limits of the U.S. Patent Law
WINNER OF THE SECOND ANNUAL LASTOWKA SHORT-FORM WRITING COMPETITION By Anne Colrick (Rutgers Law Student) A patent gives an inventor the right to prevent others from “making, using, offering for sale, or selling” his invention. The U.S. patent system is territorial in nature and is granted by national/regional patent offices. Therefore, a patent is protected only within … Continue reading From Earth to Outer Space: The Limits of the U.S. Patent Law…
The Age of Actors Will Out: First Amendment Protection for Disclosing Hollywood Birthdays
By Andrew Jadick (Rutgers Law student) On February 22, 2017, a US District Court issued a ruling invalidating a law making it illegal for the website IMDB to publish the ages of actors. This law was enacted by the California legislature in order to combat rampant ageism in the film and television industry. According to … Continue reading The Age of Actors Will Out: First Amendment Protection for Disclosing Hollywood Birthdays…