The Markup’s Article Highlights Collaboration with RIIPL

The Markup’s article Public Agencies Are Buying Up AI-Driven Hiring Tools and “Bossware” highlights a collaboration with Rutgers Institute for Information Policy and Law that explored public agencies’ use of AI hiring tools and remote monitoring software. Working with a Rutgers Law graduate, The Markup filed public records requests with public agencies to understand how … Continue reading The Markup’s Article Highlights Collaboration with RIIPL

Professor Ellen P. Goodman featured in article about COVID-19 misinformation on Spotify

RIIPL Co-Director, Professor Ellen P. Goodman, was featured in “Spotify’s handling of COVID-19 misinformation on Joe Rogan’s podcast takes heat from critics.” “‘What we know is that it’s [adding a content advisory label] not going to have a strong effect in terms of changing people’s minds,’ Ellen Goodman, a professor at Rutgers Law School whose … Continue reading Professor Ellen P. Goodman featured in article about COVID-19 misinformation on Spotify