Prof. Ellen P Goodman keynotes at CyberWeek

Professor Ellen P. Goodman keynotes at CyberWeek at Tel Aviv University, presenting on US AI policy. 

Prof. Hrdy Quoted in National Law Journal on Noncompete Ban

Professor Camilla Hrdy was quoted in a National Law Journal article regarding a recent district court decision enjoining the Federal Trade Commission’s noncompete ban.    “Camilla Hrdy, a Rutgers Law School professor, called Brown’s ruling “predictable” because the FTC’s noncompete rule is sweeping as it bans noncompete agreements nationwide with few exceptions…. “I have a … Continue reading Prof. Hrdy Quoted in National Law Journal on Noncompete Ban

Prof. Hrdy publishes article on trade secrecy and generative AI

Professor Camilla Hrdy, who joins the Rutgers Law faculty as an Associate Professor of Law in the fall, has just published a new article on trade secrecy, contracts, and generative AI. The article will be published in the Berkeley Technology Law Review. Professor Hrdy argues that developers of “closed-source” generative AI products, such as ChatGPT, … Continue reading Prof. Hrdy publishes article on trade secrecy and generative AI

European Commission cites to Professor Ellen P. Goodman’s work

The European Commission cites to Professor Ellen P. Goodman’s work on traffic light veracity labels with respect to the labeling of generative AI content. p. 13, in the Commission’s guidelines on the mitigation of systemic risks for electoral processes:

New Intellectual Property Law Certificate

RIIPL is thrilled to announce that Rutgers Law School will begin offering an Intellectual Property Certificate. The Certificate Program in Intellectual Property Law offers students with an interest in intellectual property law a framework to pursue that interest, as well as special and formal recognition for doing so. The program has flexibility to allow students … Continue reading New Intellectual Property Law Certificate

Professor Ellen P. Goodman to speak at Department of Justice roundtable

The Department of Justice Antitrust Division will host a roundtable at Stanford University on May 30, 2024 on “Promoting Competition in Artificial Intelligence,” where Professor Goodman will speak. “Promoting Competition in Artificial Intelligence” “Promoting Competition in Artificial Intelligence”

Professor Camilla Hrdy’s article cited in FTC ruling

Professor Camilla Hrdy’s article, “Beyond Trade Secrecy: Confidentiality Agreements That Act Like Noncompetes,” was cited in the Federal Trade Commission’s recent ruling banning most noncompete agreements entered between employers and workers.  Hrdy’s article, which is co-authored by Prof. Chris Seaman at Washington and Lee, was just published in the Yale Law Journal. The article shows … Continue reading Professor Camilla Hrdy’s article cited in FTC ruling

U.S. Commerce Dept, NTIA releases Report and Recommendations on AI Accountability Policy. Professor Ellen P. Goodman is principal author.

AI Accountability Policy Report | National Telecommunications and Information Administration (              

Professor Ellen P. Goodman addresses “Bridging the Gap: Safeguarding Online Freedom Across the Atlantic”

In a public session organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Consulate General of Germany New York, the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) and the DWIH New York on April 29, 2024.

Karyn Temple Presents 2024 Lastowka Lecture

On March 21, 2024, Karyn A. Temple, Senior Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel for the Motion Picture Association, presented the 2024 Lastowka lecture. Title “Chicken Little Was Wrong: A Site-Blocking Retrospective and Roadmap for the Future,” Ms. Temple explained the importance of measures like blocking piracy websites for targeting illegal infringement.

Prof. Ellen P Goodman keynotes at CyberWeek

Professor Ellen P. Goodman keynotes at CyberWeek at Tel Aviv University, presenting on US AI policy. 

Prof. Hrdy Quoted in National Law Journal on Noncompete Ban

Professor Camilla Hrdy was quoted in a National Law Journal article regarding a recent district court decision enjoining the Federal Trade Commission’s noncompete ban.    “Camilla Hrdy, a Rutgers Law School professor, called Brown’s ruling “predictable” because the FTC’s noncompete rule is sweeping as it bans noncompete agreements nationwide with few exceptions…. “I have a … Continue reading Prof. Hrdy Quoted in National Law Journal on Noncompete Ban

Prof. Hrdy publishes article on trade secrecy and generative AI

Professor Camilla Hrdy, who joins the Rutgers Law faculty as an Associate Professor of Law in the fall, has just published a new article on trade secrecy, contracts, and generative AI. The article will be published in the Berkeley Technology Law Review. Professor Hrdy argues that developers of “closed-source” generative AI products, such as ChatGPT, … Continue reading Prof. Hrdy publishes article on trade secrecy and generative AI

European Commission cites to Professor Ellen P. Goodman’s work

The European Commission cites to Professor Ellen P. Goodman’s work on traffic light veracity labels with respect to the labeling of generative AI content. p. 13, in the Commission’s guidelines on the mitigation of systemic risks for electoral processes:

New Intellectual Property Law Certificate

RIIPL is thrilled to announce that Rutgers Law School will begin offering an Intellectual Property Certificate. The Certificate Program in Intellectual Property Law offers students with an interest in intellectual property law a framework to pursue that interest, as well as special and formal recognition for doing so. The program has flexibility to allow students … Continue reading New Intellectual Property Law Certificate