The Markup’s article Public Agencies Are Buying Up AI-Driven Hiring Tools and “Bossware” highlights a collaboration with Rutgers Institute for Information Policy and Law that explored public agencies’ use of AI hiring tools and remote monitoring software. Working with a Rutgers Law graduate, The Markup filed public records requests with public agencies to understand how they were using these types of systems.
“The Markup used GovSpend, a database of procurement records for U.S. agencies at the state, local, and federal levels, to identify agencies that use HireVue. We also searched for agencies using Teramind and ActivTrak, both another kind of controversial software that allows employers to remotely monitor their workers’ browsing activities through screenshots and logs. The Markup contacted and filed public records requests with those 24 agencies to understand how they were using the software…
According to its promotional materials, Teramind lets managers record workers’ screens and keystrokes for future review. The company claims it can detect and prevent what it calls ‘insider threats’ and monitor things like how many emails employees are sending and how often they’re uploading files to the internet.”
To read the full article, visit The Markup.