Professor Goodman and RIIPL to Guide NJ Journalists on Digital Newsgathering Law

        Professor Ellen P. Goodman is thrilled to announce the receipt of a grant from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in support of a RIIPL project on digital journalism.  The grant comes from the Foundation’s journalism sustainability project, with funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.  Working with students, Goodman … Continue reading Professor Goodman and RIIPL to Guide NJ Journalists on Digital Newsgathering Law

New article on Loestrin pay-for-delay case

Issues of pay-for-delay settlements are percolating in the courts: California Supreme Court, 3rd Circuit, district courts. Next up: the the 1st Circuit, reviewing the dangerous Loestrin decision. In In re Loestrin 24 FE Antitrust Litigation, the U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island issued a concerning ruling on drug patent settlements. The court … Continue reading New article on Loestrin pay-for-delay case

April 9 noon talk by Mark Warner on pharmaceutical industry

RIIPL is pleased to announce a lecture by Canadian expert and commentator Mark Warner on April 9 at noon at the law school. Mark Warner will speak about a range of current competition, trade, investment and IP issues involving the pharmaceutical industry in Canada and the implications for U.S. investors and policymakers. He will discuss … Continue reading April 9 noon talk by Mark Warner on pharmaceutical industry

Prof. Carrier article on Cephalon case

On January 28, 2015, Judge Mitchell Goldberg of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania denied defendants’ summary judgment motions, sending the second reverse-payment-settlement case to trial. In King Drug Company of Florence v. Cephalon, Judge Goldberg found that plaintiffs “satisfied their burden of presenting evidence of anticompetitive effects” and that there … Continue reading Prof. Carrier article on Cephalon case